From 27 November to 1 December 2014, Mortality eSports traveled to Columbus, Ohio to compete in the first ever Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare tournament held by Major League Gaming, "MLG Columbus Open." Mortality was represented by our current COD roster of Tommy 'Zcuz' Duong, Shawn 'Kirby' Wortham, Ryan 'Rayge' Rusch, and John 'JHaZe' Otero
After a 3-0 run on Friday, including a notable victory over Team Orbit Globetrotters, Mortality COD met their first loss Saturday morning to Team Orbit Pro. In the loser's bracket round 6, Mortality took their second loss to EMPerfection. Mortality finished 33rd overall.
Player Comments:
"Columbus has been real." - JHaZe
I love playing competitively. I dislike playing against my freinds but in the end we are all fighting for the league and it suck we weren't close. I'm going to grind so hard after this to get in to champs. - Kirby
All results taken from and these other sources:
Be sure to follow us on our Social Media and pay close attention for the release of some MLG Columbus Advanced Warfare Open Photo Galleries produced by Alejandra Rosas, Staff Videographer & Multimedia Editor: